Photo courtesy of: Endless Crafting
Do you have an Emergency Station?
This is an area where you have all your Emergency items, so in an emergency everything is in place. The one in the photo above is from Natalie from Endless Crafting. It is part of a series she did about organization and I LOVE how organized it is.
I have been thinking about this idea for a while and when I saw how Natalie implemented it I was excited to update my emergency station.
Here is our Emergency Station. It is located just inside the door between our garage and our house (in the garage). The area we had to work with is very small and narrow so instead of a shelf we opted to hang our 72 hour kits on the wall and stack our water below.
I also hung up all of the Emergency Documents so it would be easy to grab.
- Extended Family Emergency Plan, (this is a printable blank form)
- Evacuation routes, I printed off the maps and directions from Google maps. In an emergency you should plan for communications to be cut off, that includes your GPS. Make sure you have a map and the routes you plan on taking.
- Grab list, this is short list of things to grab if we have a few minutes. Often in when an evacuation is ordered residents are given a time frame. Evacuate now, in half an hour, in 2 hours. I find it very nice to have thought through the things I want to grab if I am given the chance.