Happy Thanksgiving!
The biggest sale of the year on Thrive food is just around the corner with savings of up to 50% off
and ALL Thrive foods on sale.
Don’t miss:
Thrive Pineapple sale
price $22.39 you save $14.80 per can
Thrive Green Peas sale price $10.49 you save $10.40 per can
Thrive Sausage Crumbles
$34.99 you save $15.00 per can
Thrive Mozzarella cheese
$29.69 you save $12.47 per can
Thrive Passion FruitYogurt Bites $27.09 you save $11.50 per
*All prices listed
above are for number 10 cans. All sizes
are on sale.
view the entire sale go http://homeparties.thrivelife.com/blackfriday and expand the
categories by clicking them. Place the quantity you want in the box next to the
product and scroll down to the bottom to "add to cart". Simple as
can see all the sale prices now but the sale
starts on Black Friday November 29th and ends Monday December 2nd.
This sale is while supplies last and the best deals go fast. So order early!
This sale is while supplies last and the best deals go fast. So order early!
I know your holiday week will be busy so you can pre-order with me
before Wednesday November 25th by 5 pm MST, and make sure you get the items you
want! Email Heather at heather@teamshelfreliance.com or call 435-535-1470, with your pre-order.
P.S. I’m giving away one lucky customers pre order
for FREE. All preorder will be entered submitted by Wednesday
November 27 at 5:00 p.m. MST and you’ll be entered to win.
Black Friday sale prices begin Nov. 29th
Green Peas (FD) $20.89 $10.49 |
Sweet Corn (FD) $19.69 $13.79 |
Mushroom Pieces (FD) $20.59 $12.39 |
Green Beans (FD) $17.29 $12.19 |
Blackberries (FD) $36.99 $22.19 |
Banana Slices (FD) $28.79 $20.19 |
Pineapple Chunks (FD) $37.19 $22.39 |
Mangoes (FD) $26.59 $18.69 |
Passionfruit Yogurt (FD) $38.59 $27.09 |
Powdered Milk $20.49 $14.39 |
Sausage Crumbles (FD) $49.99 $34.99 |
Roast Beef (FD) $57.19 $40.09 |
Basic 3 Month Freeze Dried & Dehydrated Food Pack $605.99 $485.99 |
Thrive Express Variety Pack $86.89 $69.59 |
Harvest 72" $459.99 $249.99 |
Cansolidator Cupboard $34.99 $16.99 |
Grain Mill Wheat Grinder $89.99 $44.99 |
Thrive Life Auto Kit $64.99 $44.99 |